Shots and Thoughts

Photos and comments as I explore my passion for photography. Written to and for myself as a journal to track major moments and minor observations as I continue to evolve my visual art. 

Sharing with Peter Turnley

I attended a nice event at Leica SF last month where Peter Turnley spoke and featured many his shots taken over the last 30 years. I have gotten to know Peter a bit over time and we had a chance to catch up and chat. Interesting guy = interesting photos. We are about the same age and share a mid west upbringing, global travel and a passion for photography. He still shoots a Leica and now doing more workshops, books and public speaking.

His point for the SF lecture was Sharing.

Sharing photos, sharing compassion, sharing emotions, sharing technique, sharing love, sharing in social media, etc. He commented that in the end this is what photography is all about, sharing moments that connect memories, people or emotions. To this end he post daily in social media and usually with a great description of the photo combined with own thoughts. Always a delight to see this in my news feed.

He has lived in Paris for the last 30 years in between travel and assignments. Maybe I should do a Paris workshop with him?

Currently he is publishing a book on Cuba and will be featured there in a national gallery exhibit.

I took a few photos of him but will not share as they aren't good. But here is a shot I took with him when in LA together last year.


LA, 2014.

LA, 2014.

Pro tip: Edit before sharing. For me one photo per day to share. And if there is no photo, then no sharing!